HQ1 hydraulic competence assessment
Location: Aberdeen
Duration: 2 days
The BFPA has designed the Level 1 qualifications as a progression route from the BFPA Level 1 vocational courses. The aim is to cement the knowledge acquired through the vocational courses and demonstrate that candidates can apply that understanding to a series of practical one to one competence based assessments to achieve the BFPA Level 1 Hydraulics training course.
Candidates who successfully pass both the practical and theory elements of the assessment will receive a BFPA HQ1 certificate.
Hydraulics (HV1) training programme
Location – Aberdeen
Duration – 3 days
The aim of the BFPA Level 1 vocational course in hydraulics is to provide candidates with an understanding of where fluid power - hydraulics is used in modern society and its importance in the provision of power and motion control.
This vocational course is intended for those involved in the maintenance and management of fluid power systems, who are expected to operate and maintain fluid power components and systems at a practical level whilst taking into account safe working practices.
Hydraulics (HV2) training programme
Location – Aberdeen
Duration – 4 days
This vocational course is suitable for personnel with a Level 1 qualification who are plant managers, engineers, technicians, or craftsmen involved in the maintenance and management of fluid power systems.
Key areas covered in this training course include pumps and associates control systems, causes of pump failures, valve sizing and performance, proportional control, and hydraulic motor performance.