Lifting support during hook up and commissioning ensures quality from early on in a project.
The solution applied by the Altrad Sparrows provides a number of benefits:
- Market leading expertise to ensure quality and safety
- Cost effective overall solution from one contractor for consistency
- Fast response to fit with tight timescales
- Specialist expertise and experience for operations in a challenging environment.
BP required support with all of their lifting engineering services throughout the hook-up and commissioning of the Glen Lyon FPSO. As a long term specialist contractor for BP we were asked to become actively engaged in the Glen Lyon project from an early stage.
- We supported maintenance and inspection of lifting equipment as well as supplying a number of key personnel
- Baseline surveys of lifting equipment were completed on board in Korea, with future mobilisations planned for Norway and West of Shetland
- The surveys provide BP with a lifting register database which can be easily accessed by them and other key contractor personnel
- We provided technical insight into personnel transfer by crane and completed a crane assurance study to allow BP to safely and efficiently transfer personnel. We also provided training related to personnel transfer by FROG in both the UK and South Korea
- During the construction of the Glen Lyon in Korea we supplied personnel to operate the cranes to support commissioning activities
- LOLER site competent persons were provided to draft lift plans and set up lift plan databases
- We created a suite of PMR documents for lifting equipment, including pedestal cranes. Our crane operators supporting Glen Lyon are also mechanics and undertook verification activities of PMR’s whilst still in the fabrication yard for further optimisation.
- Supply of crane maintainer / operator personnel - Korea, Norway and West of Shetland
- Supply of LOLER site competent persons
- Onshore engineering support
- Dedicated onshore management support function
- Supply of lifting equipment and accessories
- Lifting equipment inspection services
- Support for PLC technical issues on OEM cranes
- Supply of Integra personnel to coach BP and other contractor deck crews
- Training, including bespoke courses such as FROG training for personnel transfer
- Supply equipment, crane spares and other materials as required
- Supply of hydraulic equipment
- Provision for planning of all scopes of work
- Lifting plan documents Incorporation into key BP systems for safety management.