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Trevor Dear appointed to lead crane training for Sparrows Group and RelyOn Nutec partnership

Congratulations to Trevor Dear who has been appointed to the new role of Subject Matter Expert – Crane Training and Development as part of our partnership to deliver crane and lifting training with RelyOn Nutec.

Working jointly across Sparrows Group and RelyOn Nutec, the position has been created to support our collaboration and ensure we’re delivering the highest standards of crane and lifting training. Trevor will have responsibility for the quality control and technical assurance of crane training material and assessors, as well as supporting the crane simulation and remote training capabilities. As a global role across RelyOn Nutec’s 33 and Sparrows’ five training centres, Trevor will also be working to expand the crane training products and services on offer and launch our oil and gas safety standards to other sectors including maritime, industrial and renewables.

Trevor has an extensive knowledge of crane operations and training having spent the last decade at the Sparrows training centre in Aberdeen, most recently as the centre supervisor and prior to that an instructor/assessor. After joining as an ad-hoc crane operator in 2008, Trevor jumped at the chance to move into training when a role came up for trainee instructor assessor. Since then he has been an integral part of training delivery through maintaining and developing the Sparrows offshore crane operator standard which is renowned as the industry benchmark, creating new courses such as emergency crane operations and reaction and awareness training, and setting up simulators to support crane training in a safe environment.

His path first crossed with the training centre much earlier though during his time offshore working for drilling contractors. As part of the deck crew, Trevor developed an interest in cranes when he could see the skilled involved in lifting operations. Being given the opportunity to progress with his company into a crane operator role he underwent his training with Sparrows, becoming certified as a stage 3 crane operator. His experience includes working around the world on a range of installations such as semi-subs, FPSOs and production platforms.

It was Trevor’s initial experiences undertaking crane operator training that sparked his passion for training and development. Trevor says: “Seeing people come in as novices and progressing, getting them to the level they need to be at, that’s what it’s all about. This new position will help with the advancement of crane training standards globally. If we can get the workforce across all global regions operating to the same standard, we’re going to make significant advancements in health and safety levels in the sector. We cannot put a price on the safety of personnel and I’m excited to work with both RelyOn Nutec and Sparrows in developing a new generation of safety conscious and competent crane operators.”

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