Sparrows Group has successfully retained our current North Sea Mechanical Handling and Crane Management contract with BP, which will extend our working partnership with them to over 50 years.
The contract sees us operating and maintaining all 21 of BP’s pedestal cranes in the North Sea across eight assets. This includes the soon to be commissioned Clair Ridge platform and Glen Lyon FPSO.
The full scope of the Mechanical Handling and Crane Management contract covers the supply of crane operators and maintenance of the pedestal cranes as well as all other mechanical handling equipment which includes inspection, repair, refurbishment and spares management. As part of the contract we also deliver training and engineering support for all lifting scopes which includes equipment change-outs and decommissioning activities.
We have a long history together, with Sparrows servicing all of BP’s North Sea crane operations and maintenance requirements since 1975. We first sent crane operators to the Forties Alpha and Charlie platforms in June of that year.
The lengthy association has enabled us to develop a highly effective understanding focused primarily on safety and performance.
Stewart Mitchell, chief executive officer of Sparrows, said: “Reaching this impressive milestone with BP is something we are very proud of. We have built an enduring relationship with them, which began in the very early years of the North Sea, based firmly on true partnership.
“To be involved as the new generation of platforms come online is hugely satisfying and underlines that there is a lot of life left in the North Sea. Over the years, we have together developed and implemented best working practices, with a true spirit of collaboration focused on performance and safety.”