We are committed to lowering the impact of our operations on the planet through robust carbon management.

As a global organisation we have been gradually lowering our footprint for a number of years and more recently we have set specific objectives related to carbon offsetting.
Our current short-term goal to offset 1,000 tonnes of our onshore CO2 emissions by 2021 has seen us partner with Carbon Footprint in the UK to plant 350 trees in areas surrounding our head office in Aberdeen. Similar projects are currently being sought across our global operations.
Carbon Footprint, which supports businesses with their environmental and carbon management plans, ensures that all the trees are native broad leaf species such as hawthorn, downy birch and wild cherry, so they can preserve the UK’s environment and biodiversity by providing wildlife habitats and enhancing the natural UK landscape. The organisation also operates a ‘tree buddy’ system which means for every tree planted in the UK, it works with the Brazilian Amazon Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Reduced Emissions Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) project to protect trees in the Amazon rainforest from deforestation to guarantee carbon offsetting.
This approach allows us to reduce carbon emissions now, much faster than we can by reducing our company footprint. Trees are essential to maintaining our climate and biodiversity because they take our carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce the oxygen we breathe.
The carbon emissions related to air travel is a huge consideration for a global business and we are committed to continually reducing this through the utilisation of digital technologies, which allow face to face communication online.
Other examples of how we have sought to reduce our impact include switching to 100% renewable source electricity for our Aberdeen offices, reviewing and making improvements to our recycling opportunities which has included eliminating some sources of non-recyclable waste.